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Lumpy bits.jpg

Plastic Artifacts

These are initial sketches and prints for a still life series on the ubiquitous  plastic blister packs that encase all of our consumer goods. I noticed that they recall shapes from nature, like micro organisms internal organs, botanical structures, weather patterns and ourselves.


This exploration will include still life photographs and photograms (objects laid directly on light sensitive paper). The printing processes will explore old school silver gelatin prints and some of the earliest photographic printing techniques- cyanotypes, van dyke and gum bi/dichromate, all using the sun for exposures.


My family was planning to spend a sabbatical year in Guanajuato, Mexico where there is plenty of sun  to find my way with these experimental media.  After six months we decided to stay, at least for a couple years, maybe forever in this magical city. 

See sketches...

See prints in progress...

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